We need your support!! Take Action Now in Two Steps1. Call the City of Tacoma’s Finance Department and urge them to revoke GEO Group’s Business License.In a March 2017 letter to GEO, Mayor Strickland noted that the City of Tacoma can revoke GEO’s business license if it is a “danger to the public health, safety and welfare of the individuals [detained] as well as the community as a whole.” - Finance Department, Andrew Cherullo, Finance Director, 253.591.5800
2. Call ICE and demand that they meet the Hunger Strikers’ Demands (see below) and that GEO Group not retaliate against hunger strikers. We have reports that strikers have been threatened with transfer to facilities away from their loved ones as punishment.
Acting Field Director, Bryan S. Willcox
Assistance Field Director (Detention): William Penaloza
Facility Main Telephone: (253) 779.6000
Field Office Main Telephone Line: (206) 835.0650
Hunger Striker’s Demands
▪ Change the food menu
▪ Lower commissary prices.
▪ Improve hygiene, including the ability to wash clothes with soap and water.
▪ Increase recreation time.
▪ Have schoolwork and other programs available to keep detainees occupied.
▪ Improve medical attention.
▪ Increase wages for working detainees.
▪ Help speed up the legal process for detainees.
Other hunger strike updates 4/14/17: Seventy Detained Women Join Protest as Hunger Strike Enters Fifth Day. Download the press release on our press page here. Follow our social media for updates.